B&S Equipment Auction - Gallatin, MO 64640

B and S Equipment Early Spring Consignment Auction

Farm Machinery, Construction Equipment

Location: 100 Industrial Parkway, Gallatin, MO

8 a.m. Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Tractors, Tillage, Hay Equipment, Planting Equipment, Construction of all types

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NOTE: WE will be running two rings on most of the day.  
Call Now To Consign 
OFFICE -660-663-3363
Shay Esbeck-660-605-0839
Justin Harlow 660-605-2346
Monday -Friday 8 to 5
Small items must be the lot by Monday prior to auction
All large equipment related items must be to the lot by Wednesday prior to auction -No later than 5:00 pm
‘12JD 9360R, 4wd, PTO, 5000hrs
JD 8770, 4wd, F/R Dls, 3RR, CHA
JD 8760, 4wd, 1000, CHA, 6900hrs
JD 8650, 4wd, 3pt, 1000, CHA
JD 8640, 4wd, F/R Dls, 3pt, 1000, 9354hrs
JD 8320, MFWD, 4RR, 1000, CHA, PS, 8250hrs
JD 8285R, MFWD, IVT, F/R Dls, 4RR, 1000, CHA, 7588hrs
‘11 JD 8260R, MFWD, IVT, R.Duals, CHA, 4RR, QH, 1000, 6200hrs
JD 8420, 4200hrs, duals, very clean
JD 7810, LDR/Grple, MFWD, LHR, CHA, 10k hrs
JD 7800, LDR, 2wd, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, PS, 7235hrs
‘93 JD 7800, 2wd, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, PS, 10,688hrs
JD 7520, LDR/Grple, MFWD, CHA, 6800hrs
JD 7420, LDR, CHA, 20spd, 9000hrs
JD 7410, LDR/Grple, CHA, 20 spd, 10k hrs
JD 7320, LDR/Grple, MFWD, 3rr, Int PTO, R.Wts, CHA, LHR, PPS, 8125hrs
JD 7220, 673 LDR, 2wd, 3RR, Int PTO, CHA, PPS, LHR, 6979hrs
‘01 JD 7210, LDR, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, 6244hrs
JD 6430, 673 LDR, MFWD, 3RR, Int pto, LHR, CHA, PPS, 3286hrs
JD 6420, LDR, 2wd, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, LHR, 6031hrs
JD 6420, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, PPS, LHR, 6723hrs
JD 6400, 640 LDR, MFWD, OS, 2RR, Int pto, 7411hrs
JD 6230, 2wd, 2RR, Int PTO, CHA, 3672hrs loader ready
JD 6175M, MFWD, 3RR, QH, Int PTO, CHA, PPS, LHR, 7021hrs
JD 6175M, MFWD, 3RR, QH, Int PTO, CHA, PPS, LHR, 5223hrs
JD 6140R, LDR, MFWD, CHA, 7000hrs
JD 6130M, LDR, MFWD, CHA, 24spd, 5000hrs
JD 6130R, LDR, MFWD, 3RR, QH, CHA, LHR, PPS, 691hrs
JD 6115M, LDR, MFWD, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, LHR, 7304hrs
JD 6115D, LDR, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, LHR, 2251hrs
JD 6115D, LDR, MFWD, 2RR Int pto, CHA, LHR, 2579hrs
JD 5410, LDR, MFWD, 2RR, 540, CHA, LHR, 4433hrs
JD 5320, 541 LDR, MFWD, 3RR, 540, CHA, 600hrs
JD 5300, JD LDR, 2wd, OS, R.Wts, 2RR, 540, 2650hrs
JD 5105, LDR, 2wd, OS, 2RR, 540, 351hrs
JD 5100E, LDR, MFWD, 3RR, CHA, 390hrs
JD 4960, MFWD, F.Wts, 3RR, 1000, CHA, PS, 6950hrs
JD 4650, 2wd, 3RR, 1000, R.Dls, CHA, PS
JD 4630, 260 LDR, 2wd, OS, R.Duals, 2RR, QH, 540, 2617hrs
JD 4430, 2wd, 2RR, Int pto, F.Wts, CHA, 9114hrs
JD 4240, 2wd, 2RR, Int pto, 9100hrs
JD 4230, LDR, 2wd, OS, 2RR, Int pto, 9000hrs
JD 4020, LDR, 2wd, OS, Int PTO
JD 3020, 2wd, OS, 1RR, Int pto, 6649hrs
(2x) ‘23 JD 5067E, MFWD, OS, 2RR, 540, LHR, LDR ready, 400/800hrs
(2x) ‘23 JD 5060E, MFWD, OS, 1RR, 540, LDR ready, 500hrs
‘23 JD 5050E, 2wd, OS, 1 RR, 540, 833hrs
JD 3320, 300cx LDR, 72” belly mower, 1RR, 540, hydrostat, canopy, 736hrs
JD 2950, LDR, 2wd, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, 4475hrs
JD 1520 2wd, Gas, OS
JD 2305, MFWD, Belly mower, QH, 540, 951hrs
‘18 JD 3025E, LDR, OS, 88hrs, 5’ frontier mower
JD 1023E, MFWD, 60” belly mower, QH, 540, 548hrs
CIH MX255, MFWD, R.Duals, QH, 4RR, 1000, F/R Wts. CHA, PS, LHR, 3836hrs
CIH MXM190, LDR, MFWD, 6000hrs
CIH MX125, LDR, MFWD, CHA, Int. pto, 3500hrs
CIH 7130, MFWD, 3RR, 1000, QH, R.Dls, 7328hrs
CIH Farmall 115A, LDR, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, LHR, CHA, 233hrs
CIH Farmall 75C, LDR, CHA, 500hrs
Case 5250, 520 LDR/Grple, MFWD, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, PPS, LHR, 4503hrs
Case 5230, LDR, MFWD, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, PPS, LHR, 7771hrs
‘92 CIH 5140, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, LHR, PPS, 10955hrs
CIH JX95, MFWD, 2RR, 540, CHA, 2185hrs
JI Case 2390, 2wd, R.Dls, 4RR, 1000, CHA
JI Case 1070, LDR, 2wd, 2RR, 540, PPS, cab, 6781hrs
IH Farmall 756, 2wd, gas, 2RR, dual pto, cab
Farmall M, gas, wide front, 1RR, 540
Cat Challenger
‘19 Challenger MT975E, 4wd, F/R Wts, 6RR, PS, CHA, Scraper hitch, 3994hrs
‘19 Challenger MT865E, Tracks, 4RR, PS, F.Wts, 7084hrs
Challenger MT765, Tracks, 5RR, 1000, 7359hrs
Challenger CH65, Tracks, PS, CHA, 4RR, excellent tracks/UC, 3923hrs
Massey Ferguson
MF 5711, MF LDR, MFWD, 3RR, Int PTO, R.Wts, CHA, PS, 338hrs Nice!
MF 4710, MF LDR, MFWD, 2RR, Int PTO, R.Wts, CHA, LHR, 258hrs Nice!
MF 65, LDR, 2wd, 1RR, 540
’21 Kubota M8-201, MFWD, LDR, 3RR, Int PTO, R.Dls, CHA, 870hrs, Clean!
Kubota M7-151, LDR, MFWD, 4RR, Int Pto, CHA, PS, 2917hrs
Kubota M5140, LDR, MFWD, CHA, 750hrs
Kubota M5400 HSTC, 1RR, 540, CHA, 320hrs
Kubota M108X, LDR, MFWD, 3RR, Int PTO, CHA, PPS, 3706hrs
Kubota L3400, 4wd, OS, hydrostat, 540, 430hrs
Kubota B2910, MFWD, OS, 540, 971hrs
’16 NH T8.350, F.Suspension, guidance, 1700hrs
NH TG245, MFWD, F/R Dls, CHA, 3600hrs
‘08 NH T5060, LDR/Grpl, MFWD, 2RR, Int pto, CHA, LHR, PPS, 6618hrs
Ford 4000, 2wd, OS, 1RR, 540, 643hrs
Agco RT100, LDR, MFWD, 4RR, Int pto, CHA, PPS, 4881hrs
‘97 Agco Allis 9435, MFWD, 3RR, Int pto, CHA, Detroit, 6957hrs
AC 200, 2wd, 2RR, 540, cab, 3987hrs
AC 200, 2wd, 2RR, 540, cab, 5184hrs
AC 5050, 2wd, OS, 1RR, 540, 3566hrs
Deutz 80-06, 2wd, 2RR, Int. pto
Mahindra 5005-DI, LDR, 2wd, OS 1RR, 540, 1324hrs
Zetor Major HS80, LDR, MFWD, 2RR, 540, CHA, LHR, 362hrs
White 2-155, 2wd, CHA, good rubber
Allis Chalmers G, Belly Mower, Cultivator, Plow
‘24 Bobcat T650, 2spd, aux hyd, HQA, ISO/H, CHA, 4hrs!
‘24 Bobcat T770, 2spd, aux hyd, HQA, CHA, ISO/H, 7Hrs!
‘21 Bobcat T770, 2spd, aux hyd, HQA, ISO/H, CHA, 591hrs
‘22 Bobcat T76, aux hyd, HQA, CHA, ISO/H, 2 spd, 1619hrs, new tracks
‘18 Bobcat S650, wheel, OS, aux hyd, HQA, ISO/H, 3914hrs
‘15 Bobcat T650, 2spd, CHA, aux hyd, HQA, tooth bucket, 650hrs
‘15 Bobcat T450, 2spd, aux hyd, HQA, ISO/H, CHA, 1704hrs
Bobcat T190, aux hyd, HQA, tooth bucket
Bobcat S300, wheel, OS, aux hyd, foot controls
Bobcat T250, HQA, aux hyd, CHA
Bobcat 873, wheel, aux hyd, HQA, hand/foot
Bobcat 743, wheel, OS, aux hyd, 2038hrs
Bobcat 943, wheel, aux hyd, foot controls, OS, R.Wts, 1757hrs
Bobcat MT100 Mini SS, aux hyd, 1162hrs
‘12 Case Sv300, wheel, H pattern, 5480hrs
‘12 Case SV250, wheel, 2spd, OS, aux hyd, hqa, 3093hrs
Case TR310, 2spd, aux hyd, HQA, Iso, CHA, 1828hrs
Cat 287B Skidsteer, OS, 3000hrs
‘15 Cat 257D, 2spd, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, 3393hrs
‘08 Cat 262C, wheel, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, 3000hrs
Cat 236D, wheel, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, 1136hrs
Cat 289D, 2spd, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, Wts, 1846hrs
Deere 324G, wheel, Wts, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, 2spd, 332hrs
Deere 325G, 2spd, aux hyd, hqa, CHA, iso, 1089hrs
Deere CT322, aux hyd, hqa, foot controls, CHA, 4200hrs
Kubota SVL90-2, 2spd, aux hyd, hqa, tooth bucket, CHA, 1901hrs
NH C337, 2spd, Hi-Flo, hqa, iso, tooth bucket, 1124hrs
NH LS170, wheel, aux hyd, OS, foot cont, 2291hrs
Fiat Allis 14C
Cat D6C, PS, limb risers, 600hrs on OH, new turbo, sprockets
Takeuchi TB285, hyd thumb, aux hyd, CHA, 2spd, 6295hrs
Deere 50ZTS, CHA, aux hyd, 2186hrs,
Kubota U35-4, hyd thumb, hyd back fill blade, CHA, 2spd, 6358hrs
‘11 Deere 200D LC, manual thumb, 7339hrs
Deere 892 Excavator, 12k Hrs
Deere 344L, CHA, aux hyd, hyd attach, 3 yard bucket, 1867hrs
Deere 204K, 2spd, OS, hqa, aux hyd, 2762hrs
Lull 644E-42, 42’ reach, 4wd, cummins diesel
Terex TH844C, OS, 4wd
Gehl RS6-42, AWS, 42’ reach, 6600lb. 3488hrs
‘02 Deere 3200, aux hyd, CHA, 2077hrs Clean!
(2 x) ‘16 JCB 507-42, CHA, 42’ reach, 7k lb. Lift, 3400-3700hrs
Ford 555B backhoe, Cab
Case 580SM II , extend a hoe, 5k hrs
‘18 McHale V640 Baler, net, 540, 13k bales
NH 326 Square baler w/Hoelscher Accumulator/Grapple
JD 375, twine, 540
JD 530, twine, 540
JD 535, twine, 540
JD 375, twine, 540
JD 560M, net/twine, 1000
JD 569, net/twine, 1000
JD 569, net/twine, 1000, hyd pickup, 12k bales
JD 568, net/twine
JD 568, net/twine, bale kicker, 13k bales
Vermeer 604 K, net/twine, gath.whls
Vermeer 604F, twine
Vermeer 605 XL, gath.whls, twine, 540
Hesston 565A, net/twine, gath.whls,1000,
Ford 14-80 Square Baler, 540
Ford 532 Square Baler, always shedded
MF 1560, 5x6, 540
‘07 JD 4995 Swather, 2876hrs/2123hrs, autotrac, CHA, 16’ head
CIH WD2303 Series II swather, RD163 head, CHA, 1326 hrs
Hay Mowers
JD C450, windrow merger, 1000, 14’5”
JD 956 MoCo, steel rollers, 1000, 14’
JD 265 Disc mower, 3pt, 540, 7’
‘19 Kubota DM1022, 3pt, 540, 7’
‘20 Kubota DM5032, PT, 1000, 10.5’
Kuhn GMD 3550 TL, PT, 540
‘21 Kuhn GMD 3151 TL, PT, 10’2” cut
‘08 Vermeer TM800, PT, 10.5’ cut
Vermeer TM800, PT, 540, 8’ cut
CIH SMX91 disc mower, PT, 9’
Vermeer R2800 twin rake, 28’ Nice!
Vermeer WR20, 8 wheel rake
Vermeer R23A twin rake
Vermeer WRX 12 wheel rake
Vermeer WR22 Rake
NH 1225 Duravee, 12 wheel, kicker
Hesston 12 wheel rake
H&S 1460/1660, 14 wheel rake
JD 700 twin rake
JD 705 twin rake
Kubota RA2076 Rotary Rake, 2pt, 540, 25.5’
MF TD1638 6 basket Tedder, 3pt, 540
Sitrex RT5800H 4 basket Tedder, PT, 540
Deutz Allis 2 basket Tedder, 3pt, 540
Other Hay Equipment
Kewanee 500 bale elevator
Better Built Goose Neck Bale Trailer, 12 bale
Stoltzfus BC30 Bale trailer, 41’x8’
Haybuster 2100 processor, 2 Point, 1000
Vortex 3000 Bale King processor
Highline 6800 Bale Processor, 1000
John Deere 840 Bale Processor 540 pto
‘25 Rissler Creep Feeder, 3T, Unused
‘25 Rissler portable bulk bin, 2T, Unused
‘25 Rissler Bulk bin, 3T, Unused
‘12 Lucknow 2260 TMR Mixer, scales, new discharge conveyor
Highline 7120 Bale Processor, 1000
Kuhn Knight Reel Auggie 3130, scales, 540
Knight Reel Auggie 2300, 540
Kuhn Knight Vertical Maxx VT156, scales
Patz 1100 V500 mixer, scales, 1000
NH 358 Grinder mixer, extra screens, 540
Arts-Way 425-C grinder mixer, 540
'21 Landoll 7510-14 Disk, 14ft, 7” spacing
CIH 3900 disc, 32’ width
CIH 496 disc, 32’ width
CIH 496 disc, 27’ width
JD AW disc, 10’ width
JD 210 disc, 16’ width
JD 230 disc
JD 630 disc, 26’ width
JD 630 disc, 24’ width
Kewanee 1010 disc, 20’ width
JD 980 rear harrow, 24’
Landoll 7130 To the Max Rolling Cultivator, 32’
Landoll 1430, rear harrow, 24’
IH 4600, Rear harrow, 24’
CIH 4800 Vibra Shank, rear harrow
CIH 4800 Vibra Shank, rear harrow, 32’
Other Tillage
Kelly Diamond 45 Harrow
JD 2623VT, rolling baskets
Landoll 2320 Weatherproofer, 5 shank
Phoenix Rotary Harrow, 3pt, 24’
‘24 IA 10VPT Aerator, unused
‘24 IA F10 Box Blade, pull type 10’
‘24 IA 120R Grader Blade, 6 Way, 12’ Unused
JD 915 Ripper, 3 pt, 5 shank
JD 3600 plow, 6 bottom, on land hitch
Landoll One pass finisher, rear harrow
Sheyenne Cyclone Ditcher, Pull Type
IH 314, 3 bottom plow, snap hitch
JD RM6-30 Front Mount Cultivator
John Deere
JD 7000 4R 30”, no till, fert. boxes
JD 7200 12R 30”, trash whips,
JD 7240 6/11
JD 1750 6R 30”, no till, trash whips, dry fert
‘03 JD 1790, 16/32, no till, ISO, 2yr rebuild
JD 1790 16/31, spiked closing wheels, seed firmers
’13 Kinze 3600asd, 12/23R, bulk, no till
‘09 Kinze 3660, 16/31R, liquid fert, pto pump
’07 Kinze 3600, 12/23R, no till
Kinze 3600 16/31R, box, no till
Kinze 2600 12/23, no till, markers
Kinze 2600 12/23, no till, markers
Kinze 2600, 8/15 wide, 36/18”, no till, corn/bean
‘05 Kinze 3600 12/23, no till, liquid fert
Kinze 2000 6/11R, 30/15” corn/bean
Kinze PT6, 6/11R, 30/15” no till, corn/bean
CIH 1200, 12/23, corn/bean
Great Plains 3SF30 Drill, grass seed, 30’
Great Plains SS1500, no till, rear harrow
Great Plains SS24, 7.5” space, 24’
JD 1520, no till, 15’
JD 750, 7.5” space, no till, 15’
JD 750, 7.5” space, no till, 15’
‘95 JD 750, grass seed, 7.5” 15’ markers
IH 5100, 7.5” space, grass seed, front cultivator
Land Pride NTS2507 seeder, small grass seed, pull type
JD 9600, 3282E/1915S hours, CHA,
JD 9560, bin extension, CHA,
JD 8820, 4wd, 1700hrs
Challenger 660, 4467E/3273 hours, CHA
Gleaner M2, 2475hrs, bean/corn head
Lacerator Rotary Flail Forage harvester, 3pt, 540, with Bucktons wagon
JD 925F platform, 25’
JD 630F platform, 30’ single point
JD 625F platform, 25’
CIH 1020 platform, 20’
CIH 1020 platform, 20’
‘17 MacDon FD75S Draper, CIH mounts, 30’
‘10 CIH 2162 Draper, 35’
’08 NH 84c, Fle Draper 30’
Corn heads
JD 893, 8R 30” CM shafts
JD 893, 8R 30” poly snouts
JD 643, 6R 30”
‘10 CIH 3408, 8R 30” CM shafts
IH 1063, 6R 30”
Pickup Head
JD 615P Pickup head, 15’ Clean!
‘24 Industrias America 840R, unused, 40’
‘24 Industrias America 440, unused 40’
‘24 Industrias America 435, 35’ unused
Industrias America 435, 35’
Industrias America 842, 42’
Unverferth HT25, 25’
Unverferth HT36, 36’
Brent 776, tarp, hyd spout, 1000
Unverferth 8250
Demco 850, tarp, 1000
‘14 Kinze 1100, tarp, scales, 1000
‘12 Kinze 1100, tarp, scales, 1000
‘21 J&M 1112-20S, tarp, scales, 1000, Nice!
A&L 47, tarp, 1000
Heider wagon with hoist
Heider wagon, box extensions, hoist
J&M 275, Gravity Wagon, box extension
Patriot 220 seed tender, talc container, long auger, Honda engine
Sheyenne 1410 auger, 70’x10”, 540
‘09 Spra-Coupe 4460, 80’ booms, Perkins engine, Raven smart tax, 2203hrs, Nice!
Spra-Coupe 4440, 60’ booms, 3500hrs
Ag-Chem Rogator 854, 60’ booms, stainless tank, trimble controls, 6540hrs
‘23 NH 155, slop gate, poly floor, 540, UNUSED
Roto-Spread 532-16, vertical beaters, hyd end gate, 1000
NH 512 manure spreader, 540
NH 513, Box Extensions, 540
JD 40 Manure Spreader, 540
JD 872 side sling spreader, 540
Dempster Clipper-560B, 540
JD R15 Batwing, 1000, pneumatic tires, 15’
JD 1518 Batwing, 1000, 15’
JD CX15 Batwing, 1000, 15’
JD HX15 Batwing, 15’ Low Use!
Bush Hog 2715Legend, laminate tires, 15’
Bush Hog 2010, 3pt, 540, 10’
Woods 3160 Batwing, 540, 15’
Land Pride RCR3510, 3pt. 540, 10’
5’ Brush Cutters 3 pt.
6’ Brush Cutters 3 pt.
JD H340, bucket
JD H340, bucket, R series brackets
Kent 1500, bucket, brackets
Scag SCZ61V-37BV-EFI Cheetah, zero turn, 61” deck, 1458hrs
Landpride ZSR54 Zero Turn, 54inch, gas
1973 Hyster Lowboy, ramps, 30 ton
1993 Fruehauf enclosed trailer
2024 Forest River 24’ enclosed trailer
1997 Trailstar End Dump
1997 Road Boss goose neck, 24’
2001 End Dump trailer, 27’
2022 High Country enclosed trailer, 20’
1994 Chevy Kodiak Service truck, Cat 6.6 engine, 424k mi.
2002 Ford F-350, crew cab, service bed, power stroke, 213k mi.
2002 Dodge Ram 1500, V8, 2wd, 126k mi.
1999 Dodge Ram 1500, V8, 325k mi
’06 IH ProStar Semi, 13 Spd, wet kit, long frame
’11 Chevy 2500, diesel, crew cab, 4x4, 20k mi. on engine
Oaks Farm Estate
NH 688 Baler, net/twine, 2400 bales
NH 617 Disc mower, 3pt. 540 9’
M&W 10 wheel rake
10 bale hay trailer
New Idea Manure Spreader
(2x) 1000 Gallon Fuel tank, containment, with pump
Bush Hog Boss 72HF Skid Steer Brush Cutter
Stout Grapples, Lowe Auger Kits
40’ Shipping Containers, one trip, 4 side doors
Unused Skidsteer attachments: Brush Cutters,
Post Augers, Tillers, Grapple Buckets, Material buckets,
Trenchers, Blades, Bale Spears, Salt Spreaders
Snow Pushers And More!
1 Ton Mini Excavators, Mini Skidsteers.
Free standing 24’ Cattle Panels
Free Standing 20’ Sheep/Goat Panels
Hoop Building Kits in crate
- 30 x 40 x 16’
- 50 x 100 x 26’
- 50 x 150 x 26’
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Questions about this auction? Phone 660-605-0839 or email our office at shayesbeck@gmail.com.

Website by GranDesign, LLC, P.O. Box 42, 402 E Evergreen, Cameron, MO 64429. If online display fails, call 660.663.2154. All Rights Reserved. ©2025
B&S Equipment Auction


March 8 at Gallatin, MO
B and S Equipment Early Spring Consignment Auction
Past Auctions
January 15 at Gallatin, MO