Jumps & Roy Auctions - Trenton, MO 64683

KD Whitt Retirement Farm Auction

Farm Machinery

Location: 30829 Jasmine Rd, Princeton, MO

Travel north of Spickard approximately 2 miles or south of Princeton 9 miles on Hwy 65 to Jasmine Road turning west to sale site. Watch for auction signs.

10 a.m. Thursday, December 21st, 2023
Retirement Farm Auction selling JD 9450 Combine, JD 9220 & 4955 4wd Tractors, Demco 1050 Auger Wagon, Tillage Equipment & more
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TRACTORS: 2005 JD 9220, second owner tractor, 4259 hours, 4WD, 24 spd sync range, 4 rear remotes, rear pto, SN# HO30108, 1990 JD 4955, 9110 machine hrs, 312 hrs on new motor installed July 2015 (service invoice available), front wheel assist, 15 spd powershift, big pto, full rack of front weights, rear duals, JD cat III fast hitch SN# P006870, JD 4640 – parts or salvage SN# 001956R

COMBINE: 2003 JD 9450, 2965 machine hrs, 245 hrs on new motor installed March 2020 (have service invoice), 1991 separator hrs, 4WD, 60 series header hookup, retrofitted 9500 hopper extension, SN# W700132 SELLING SEPERATELY: JD 625F bean platform w/Woodworth 25 ft. platform trailer, JD 625F platform (parts only)

EQUIPMENT: Kinze 3600 16-31 planter, REM 27 Hundred grain vac, Meridian bulk seed tender, 220 BST, Honda motor (one owner), Demco1050 Auger wagon, JD 900 6 shank 3 pt v-ripper, Kelly Diamond Harrow 45 Rice, JD 2210L field cultivator w/harrow attachment, JD 630x tandem disc (needs work and tires), Krause mod 1900 tandem disc (needs axle work), JD 5-16 plow, Toreq mod 11 scraper (pan needs some work, needs hydraulic hoses), Westfield MK100-71 8” auger, JD 400 20ft rotary hoe, 500 gal fuel barrel, 1000 gal fuel barrel

GRAIN TRUCKS: Not running – 1974 Chevy C65 10-wheeler, steel bed, have title 


For photos and listing – Facebook: Scott Roy Auction and Jumps Auctions and


Auctioneers: Scott Roy & Rustin Jumps

         660-359-1455 or 660-605-0860

KD is retiring from farming and will sell the following pieces of equipment. Contact Auction company for prior inspection. This will not be a long auction so be on time. No smalls. Photos to be updated on website after staging.
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