Charlie Golden Auction Company - St. Joseph, MO 64503

Pat and Marie Johnson Farm Auction

Farm Machinery

Location: 2943 NE Turkey Rd. ., Breckenridge, Mo. 64625, MO

6 miles East of Hamilton, Mo. on Hwy 36 to K Blacktop then South 3.5 miles to NE Ironwood Dr. Left or East 1 mile to NE Turkey Rd. You are at the Auciton.

10 A M Saturday, April 6th, 2024
Nice 1586 International with Loader--Bale Forks-Bucket John Deere Front Mount 8 foot x 30 inch Dozer type Blade Goose Neck Stock Trailer 22 foot by 6 foot tandem axle. Nice offering of general farm items...

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1975 1586. Anniversary Model Photo #2 Photo #3 Photo #4 Photo #5 Photo #6 Photo #7 Photo #8

Auctioneer Note:   Tractor and Push Blade will sale at 12:00    Noon

___-Tractor:   1975  1586 Anniversary Model  18.4 x 38  Rear Fair Solid

11:00 X 16 Front 3 Rib Good------5573 HRS-----Good Solid Tractor

Working A/C and Heater-------A/C reworked 1 ½ years ago……Inside of Cab Good

2   Hydraulic hook ups------540 and 1000 PTO  ------with duals-----

Also Sold With Loader --- 4 Cylinders---Bale Spike ----- 5 foot Bucket

____-Pusher Blade:   Front Mount John Deere  8 foot wide 30 inches tall.

Angle Pivot----John Deere and International Mountings

18.4 x 36 Tractor Chains

Goose Neck Stock Trailer----Tandem Axle  22 foot length and 6 foot wide

2 pickup bed trailers

Square Big Bale Feeder----Metal Spools—2—10 foot gates

12 foot Flat Bottom John Boat /With Title

1 Roadway Dock Carts

8 foot Homemade Smoker 2 inch ball hitch  ---2 wheel  (Tires not holding air)

5 Foot Bedside tool box

Handy Small Fuel Carrier w/ 12 volt pump

Metal Square Decking Pieces

 6 foot metal pickup fold down Stock Rack

1 lot of used tin--------LUMBER ----2 x 4s----2 x 6s------2 x 10s-----2 x 12s---6 x 6 poles—

4 x 6 Poles         

3 Pt     8 foot blade

3 Pt     6 foot  Shredder  (Good Condition)

3 Pt. 2 bottom 18 inch John Deere Plow

3 Pt.  7 foot Box Blade  with Scurf Bars

3 Pt    Slide under Big Bale Carrier

3 Pt   8 Row John Deere Rotary Hoe

3 Pt   Rhino Post Hole Digger 12 inch Auger

3 Pt   Bale Spike

Fast Hitch    Category 2

Walker Transmission Jack

200 gallon water tank-----2 Metal Baskets---- 225 gallon Sprayer on carrier with pump

Steel Fence Post--- 59   6 ½ foot ------19   6 foot---Wood line and few corner post

Misc. wire and farm related items included……………………..

16 foot cement feed trough------3500 lb electric winch----calf puller—cattle Prod

Water tanks-------55 gallon metal barrels-------

1971 Ford ½  ton pickup (Parts Truck)

Lunch on Grounds------Restroom will be provided

Terms:  Cash or Check with valid I D…….Not responsible for accidents, thefts, or errors in

Advertising……Statements made sale day take precedence over any and all printed material.

Charlie Golden Auctions-----

2117 S 17 Street

Saint Joseph, Mo.  64503 

Auctioneers ;    Charlie Golden     816-390-2557

                         Andrew Perkins    Chillicothe, Mo

This is a nice offering of Farm related items

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Charlie Golden Auction Company