Dollars Auction Service - Stanberry, MO 64489

Gun & Ammo Estate Auction

Personal Property

Location: 105 N. Locust, Stanberry, MO

10 a.m. Saturday, March 30th, 2024
Several rare, older, lever action guns. Lots of ammo.

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Saturday, March 30th 10:00am

Stanberry Community Building

105 N. Locust St, Stanberry MO

Several rare, older, hard to find guns
SPECIAL INTEREST: Colt Bessley 1st gen 7-½ barrel 44 Special mfg 1910; rare Winchester model 1894 rifle 30 WCF round barrel mfg 1910
GUNS: Belgian Browning A5 vent rib; Ruger M77 7mm mag w/ Nikon scope; Remington M121 22 cal S, L, or LR; Hamilton #15 22 cal; Remington 22 Rolling Block hex barrel; Flobert Belgian 22 cal hex barrel; Remington M6 22 cal hex barrel; Remington 32 cal Rolling Block Rimfire; Wells Fargo 30/30 carbine; NRA Centennial Winchester 30/30; Winchester 1892 44-40 lever action oct barrel; Springfield Trapper decorated Indian style w/ carvings, brass beads, & glass beads, Winchester 1873 32 lever action oct barrel w/ rare period correct trigger set; Winchester 1890 22LR pump oct barrel; antique Belgian made double barrel shotgun (wall hanger); Stevens dbl barrel w/ flying goose engraved on side; Remington Rolling Block 43 Spanish military style pre-1898; Remington model 597 22 cal w/ scope; Remington model 24; JN Scotts dbl barrel 10 ga laminated steel Damascus barrel; Ranger stainless steel 16 ga model #30; Winchester model 94 30-30 cal w/ offset scope; Winchester 1890 22 WRF; Remington model 10 solid rib; Winchester model 62 22 short; Winchester 94 30/30 1927 saddle ring carbine; Winchester 92 38/40 peep site made in 1892 or 1893; Winchester 92 25/20 1903; Remington model 1148 28 ga; Argentine Mauser w/ box; Ruger 44 mag Black Hawk; Colt Officer’s 38 Special 2” barrel; Remington model 1100 12 ga solid rib 28” modified barrel; New Charles Dailey 12 ga vented synthetic; JC Higgins model 60 12 ga; El Fagin 410 double barrel; new Stoeger 12 ga model 3000 auto; Federal Arms FX4 12ga auto Home Defense; Winchester model 1885 High Wall 22 short musket
AMMO: 28 ga shells; 30-06 Springfield; Win Super X 20 /center fire rifle or handgun; PMC FMJ 230 gr auto; Hornady 444 Marlin; 7.62x51 mm R1M1; Norinco 308 Win; Federal Premium 00 buck; 2 sealed canisters of 8-45 round clips M/L US G1 cal .30; lots of 7.62x59/30.06; various shotgun shells; lg amount 30-06 150gr ammo; 7.62x51 149 gr ammo; 303 inch ammo; 7.1 G 110GR; 30 carbine 110GR L30CR1; 800 rounds 22LR; 243 W; 7,62x39 cal; 223 Rem hollow point; 308 Win ammo; 5.56x45 GGG; 185 GR bullets; 7.62x51; 41 mag; 7.62x39; Rem 140 gr; 5.45x39 53GR; 7.92/8mm; various other ammo


Auctioneers’ Note: Ammo will start at 10:00; guns to start selling at 12:00.


See websites for more photos! or

Auctioneers’ Note: Ammo will sell first; guns to start selling at 12:00.

Lunch served                              Indoor seating & restrooms

        TERMS:  Cash or check with proper ID. ON-SITE BIDDING ONLY. NO DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS OR ELECTRONIC PAYMENT. Items sold as is, where is. Not responsible for accidents or theft.  Nothing removed until settled for.  Due to the possibility of errors in printed advertisement, statements sale day will take precedence.


 Shane Walker 660-582-1184 Rod Dollars, Stanberry 660-254-2548 

Leo Madison 660-868-0113

Website by GranDesign, LLC, P.O. Box 42, 402 E Evergreen, Cameron, MO 64429. If online display fails, call 660.663.2154. All Rights Reserved. ©2025
Dollars Auction Service

Past Auctions
January 4 at Bethany, MO
Harold Helton Estate Auction