Mac's Auction Service - Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Great Sale! Auction
Location: 14538 Y Hwy, Excelsior Springs, MO
SeMacs Auction Service
Sunday, April 21
11:00 a.m.
Mac’s Auction Barn
Y Hwy, Excelsior Springs
Due to the Lewis family selling their home and moving, we will be selling the following items.
Antiques: Coca-Cola metal cooler, 7-up metal cooler, iron yard kettle, galvanized tubs, wooden ice cream maker, old ice-skates, wooden advertising boxes, pictures, lamps, iron tea pot, metal Radio Flyer wagon and fire engine, horse collar mirror, guitar, wooden sleds, posters, trunk, oak wall clock, voters box, Emerson fan, dolls, silverware set in wood box, neat barrel churn on stand, tractor lawn sprinkler, chandelier, glassware, Avon Mrs. Albee figurines, kerosene lamps, die cast and Hot Wheel cars, games, graniteware, kids bicycle and tricycle, tote of blue jeans, John Deere toy tractors, old Nextel racing pendants, salt & pepper shakers, camping stove & lanterns, hummingbird feeders, grills, smoking stand, Martin bird house
Furniture: recliner, several small antique benches, metal shelves, oak dresser, quilt rack, vacuums, porcelain top kitchen cabinet, ball & claw lamp table, coffee table, nice matching dining room table with chairs and china hutch, rocking chair, round oak china cabinet, treadmill,
Tools: Classic 5h.p. 150psi, 60 gallon asme 200psi 230 volt double phase shop air compressor, Craftsman large roll-off toolbox, organizers, set of 4 aluminum wheels, 4 tires on wheels, yard cart, seeders, small tiller, ladders, cordless weed eater, log chains, hoist, lots of hand tools, gardens tools, 6 drawer metal toolboxes, air tools, mechanic light, car parts, sawzall, drills, sanders, h.d. extension cords, battery cables, spray paint, vices, coolers, gas cans, new 100amp breaker box, jacks, kerosene heater, shop vac, totes, hose reel, bolt cutters, socket sets, Fimco pull sprayer, canning jars and more!!
Everything in excellent shape. Hope to see you there! See photos on our website!
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