Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate - Paris, MO 65275
Ralls County Real Estate Auction
Location: 600 West Street, New London, MO
Ralls County Real Estate Info. Consisting of 24.8+/- acres of beautiful land with frontage and access along Eastside Drive, just south of New London, MO with good visibility from Highway 61. The tract is in Township 55N, Range 4W, Section 6 of Ralls County, Missouri.
PROPERTY LOCATION: From the Highway 61 & Highway 19 exit on the south edge of New London, Missouri, go east to the end of the overpass, turn right, and go south 6/10 mile on Eastside Drive (the east service road for Hwy. 61) to the Horner Property on the left. Watch for signs.
PRE-AUCTION VIEWING Wednesday – April 23 from 2 PM to 4 PM at the property location
The Horner property has direct access off Eastside Drive, it lays level on the west end and then rolls off toward the east making a natural lake site. The property is all open and currently in permanent pasture/ hay production. The east end is terraced and has a permanent grass waterway to minimize erosion. The Ralls County FSA Office calls for 24.27 acres of cropland. There is rural water available along the west end.
Bob has been putting up the hay, so there will be no tenant rights going forward and the new buyer gets full possession at closing.
There has been a survey commissioned as soon as the new survey acreage is available we will adjust our advertised acreage.
For More Information: Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552
Please visit the auctioneers website for more photos and full Terms and Conditions.
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