All Auctions, Inc - Humeston, IA 50123

Public Auction Living Estate of Robert and Jeane McWherter

Personal Property, Farm Machinery

Location: 27382 460th St, Russell, IA

East of Chariton on hwy 34 to 280th ave. Turn south, go 1 mile, turn west on 460th st.

10 a.m. Saturday, October 5th, 2024
Tractors, Cars, Trucks, Equipment, Mowers, Tools and Misc

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Photo #1 Photo #2 Photo #3 Photo #4 Photo #5 Photo #6 Photo #7 Photo #8


Allis Chalmers WD 45, wide front, loader, 3 pt.; Allis Chalmers WD, wide front, 180 Chalmers fenders, 16.9×26 rear tires, loader; Allis Chalmers WD, real good motor, wide front; 1940 Farmall H; Massey Harris 33, power steering; Caterpillar R4 Dozer; JD A tractor; Allis Chalmers 1953 WD narrow front; Allis Chalmers 1955 WD 45, wide front, 3 pt.,; 1949 John Deere B; 1944 John Deere B; Allis Chalmers 1957 D14, wide front, 3 pt., loader; Farmall 1940 H fenders; Allis Chalmers WD 45, power steering, WF, snap coupler; Allis Chalmers WD 45, NF, power steering, loader; Allis Chalmers 1960 D14, new 13.6×26 rears, power steering, wide front, doesn’t jump out of gear; Allis Chalmers 1950 WD, power steering, NF, rear weights; Allis Chalmers 1935 WC, steel wheels, front rubber, fenders; Allis Chalmers 1936 WC, new rubber, fenders, spoke wheels, 12.4×24; Farmall H 1952; Allis Chalmers 1966 D17 deep rubber, 3 pt, dual hydraulics; Farmall H 1952, live clutch, good rubber; Allis Chalmers WC 1937, rubber, cultivator mounts; John Deere B 1947;

Cars, Trucks

Chevy 1962 truck box trailer; 327 w/ power Glyde engine; 1956 Chevy straight 6 engine; 1972 Chevy w/ 400 chevy motor; 1956 Chevy 2 door post; 1930 model A 2 door Sedan, complete; salvage Ford Explorer, 2005; salvage S-10; 1930 Chevy 6 cylinder rebuilt engine; Model A Frame; 2002 Honda Forman, 4×4 four wheeler, 6700 miles, 1200 + hrs; Yamaha motorcycle made in Japan;

Equipment, Mowers, Tools, Misc

3 pt carrier; IH ground drive manure spreader; bob sled horse drawn; Vermeer 605 baler; Massey Ferguson 110, 3 pt spreader; barge box w/ Big Bear gear; Allis Chalmers 8.5′ snap coupler blade; IH 1650 hydrostatic garden tractor;  Allis Chalmers 3 bottom snap coupler; utility trailer; Massey Harris flare side w/ hoist; JD 2 bottom plow pull type, 14′; 4 section harrow; 25 gal tractor tire fluid, calcium chloride; Allis Chalmers snap coupler 7′ sickle mower; King Kutter finish mower, 3 pt; #5 JD sickle mower; IH 990 mower conditioner, 10′; JD 120 lawn mower; 2012 50″ RZTS Cub Cadet lawn mower, 23 hp Kohler; 50″ RZT cub cadet lawn mower, 23 hp Kawasaki engine; Huffy 3 wheel bike; torch tube for a D14;


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All Auctions, Inc

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