Teter Auction Service - Chillicothe, MO 64601

Breeden Farm Estate Auction

Personal Property, Farm Machinery

Location: 12257 Hwy V, Chillicothe, MO

10 a.m. Thursday, September 12th, 2024
Due to the passing of William "Bill" and Shirley Breeden, the following will be sold at the farm located just east of Chillicothe, MO. From Washington Street/ Hwy 65 in Chillicothe, turn east on Polk Street to Broadway Street, continue east on Highway V 1.5 miles to sale location. Auction signs posted on sale day! Loader & operator will be available sale day only to assist with load-out – please bring your trailers.
For this auction's sale bill, catalog or poster, CLICK HERE


Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. CST

Auction Venue: Sale to be held at 12257 Hwy V, Chillicothe, MO 64601


Due to the passing of William "Bill" and Shirley Breeden, the following will be sold at the farm located just east of Chillicothe, MO. From Washington Street/ Hwy 65 in Chillicothe, turn east on Polk Street to Broadway Street, continue east on Highway V 1.5 miles to sale location. Auction signs posted on sale day!


Loader & operator will be available sale day only to assist with load-out – please bring your trailers. Off-road parking available in field behind the house. Tractors and farm equipment will be sold around 12 noon. Lunch and restrooms will be available on the grounds. Not responsible for accidents, errors, or omissions. Announcements sale day take precedence.


Josh Teter (660) 734-2111

David May (660) 973-9523


• 2000 Massey Ferguson 4233 MFWD tractor, partially synchronized trans. – 12 forward, 4 reverse, 2 hyd. outlets, Perkins 4 cyl. diesel engine, 540/1000 PTO, cab/heat/air, 16.9-30 rear, 11.2-24 front, rear weights, joystick in cab, ONLY 226 hours, sell complete w/ Massey Ferguson 1070 front loader, 72” bucket, SN: J34057?


• John Deere 750 compact utility 2wd tractor, Yanmar diesel, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 13.6-16 rear turf tires, 25x8.50-14 front turf tires, w/ 72” belly mower, 880 hours, SN: CH0750S010453



• Bushhog 3210 rotary mower, 540 PTO, (2) laminated wheels, front chains, low time, SN: 12-20984?


• Bushhog 3-pt HD 9’ blade, SN: 12-00799?


• 1987 WW 18’ bumper hitch stock trailer, tandem axle, 7.00-15 tires, wood floor, great condition, VIN: 11WE51626HW147089?


• Woodworth 6.5’x12’ utility tilt bed trailer, single axle, 205/75-R15 tires, VIN:1W9FU1218WC206266


Also selling farm related items including Scag Wildcat zero turn mower (26HP Kawasaki FD231v gas engine, 491 hours, 60” deck, ROPS); John Deere Gator AMT 626 (dump bed); 2T creep feeder; John Deere 494 planter (4 row, 36” spacing, great condition); Massey Ferguson 520 tandem disk (10’, 7 ½” spacing, 20” blades); New Holland 160 manure spreader (540 PTO, single beater, good floor); harrow attachment; 3-pt carry-all; tractor chains; Ford 505 sickle mower (9’, 540 PTO); McCormick grain drill (14’, w/ grass attachment); rotary hoe; field cultivator (3-pt, 4 row); Cyclone end gate seeder; MF 3-pt post hole digger; hay rack on running gear; bale stingers (x2); bale mover; Massey Ferguson Model 74 plow (3-pt, 4 bottom); Bushnell gravity flow wagon (damage to top on one side, VET running gears, 11L-16 floatation tires); Manning box wagon; 3-pt 6’ tractor blade; older flail mower; magnetos (x12+); Speeco quick hitch; 300 gal. bulk fuel tanks (on stands, x2) older 2 hole Ritchie waters; galv. hog feed; cattle panels; suit case weights (x2); 500 bushel grain bin (damage); steel t-post (100+); Red Brand woven wire; elec. fence post; round water tank; barrel pump; misc. tires of all sizes; Craftsman riding mower (B&S 13.5hp engine); Craftsman 917 riding mower (dual rear wheels, 42” cut); Sears snow blower & blade; more!



Troy-Bilt Horse rear tine tiller (7HP); Stihl weed eater; Stihl HT101 pole saw; Stihl 026 Pro chainsaw; Stihl 170 chainsaw; Craftsman chipper/shredder; Lambert 38” lawn sweep; Fliteway portable air compressor; battery chargers; propane bottles (100# x4, 40#); Hudson sprayers; extension ladders (Davidson 40’ fiberglass, wooden); Lawn Boy push mowers (x3); reel mowers (x2); electric motors (x15); Ryobi mini-tiller (31cc); ATD 2T floor jack; 20T bottle jack; jack stands; Lincoln stick welder (225 amp); Kennedy chest on chest tool box; gas cans; salamander heaters (x2); wood stove (insert); galvanized sheeting (16’, x2); 36” shop window fan; ATV sprayer; metal work bench; South Bend 24” metal lathe; Dewalt 4pc combo set (18v, reciprocating saw, circular saw, hammer drill, light); bolt cutters; braces, bits; pry bars, flat bars; 4-way wrenches; hammers (ball ping, others); grease guns; log chains; boomers; c-clamps; hand saws; screwdrivers; allen wrenches; punches & chisels; files; channel locks; vise grips; tin snips; fencing pliers; spud wrench; crescent wrenches; pipe wrenches; combination wrenches; SK 1/2” socket set; deep well impact sockets; dent puller; Ryobi sander & router; jigsaw; Baldor bench top grinder; receiver hitches; air pig; gear pullers; nuts, bolts, etc.; bolt organizers; misc. elec. wire & supplies; yard tools including (rakes, shovels, jobbers, etc.); galv. trash cans; bird feeders; dimensional lumber; AC condensing unit; A-coil; misc scrap wire; and more scattered throughout the shop and barns.



Antiques including Rare Econolite Motion lamp (1950’s w/ truck and bus); corn shellers (x2); Dr. Pepper crate; MoorMan’s Feed metal sign; Ful-O-Pep feeds metal thermometer; barn trolleys w/ track (x2); wooden pulley; pump jack; chrome dinette set (w/ 4 matching chairs); “Wonder Horse” hobby horse; old games; metal toys (Shell truck, Tonka car hauler, etc); scythe; metal lawn chairs; iron wheels (x2); buck saw; 2-man crosscut; bellows; leather saddle; blow mold (Santas, x2, Halloween); globe; Crooksville china set (1940’s); 5 gal glass jug; kerosene lamps (Aladdin, other); croquet set; washboard; Moon and Stars compote (blue); costume jewelry; wrist watches (Seiko, others); sterling (candy dish, candle holders); ice skates; wood chest; wood crates; crocks (Ruckels, 3gal brown); White Mountain ice cream freezer; yard glider; galv. buckets; curved glass china cabinet (oak); lamps; baker’s rack; microwaves; patio grill; chest of drawers; books; paintings/prints; carpet shampoo machine; Kirby sweeper; AirDyne exercise bike; flatware sets; pots and pans; photography supplies; Poole silverplate tea set; seasonal decorations; many totes packed away and will be opened on sale day.

?Guns including Winchester Model 80 rifle (pump, 22cal, hex barrel, shorts); Winchester Model 67 rifle bolt action, 22 cal, S,L,LR); Daisy bb gun; 177 cal pellet gun; pocket knives (x8, Boker, Case, Schrade, etc); and other items in the shop and home! Come see!



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Website by GranDesign, LLC, P.O. Box 42, 402 E Evergreen, Cameron, MO 64429. If online display fails, call 660.663.2154. All Rights Reserved. ©2025
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