Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate - Paris, MO 65275
Montgomery County Real Estate & Personal Property Auction
Location: 607 South Sturgeon, Montgomery City, MO
AUCTION LOCATION : Mid-Mo Shriners Hall – 607 South Sturgeon – Montgomery City, Missouri 63361
PROPERTY LOCATION : 100 Porter’s Road – Montgomery City, Missouri 63361
Directions: From the 4-way stop on Highway 19 in Montgomery City, MO go north on Hwy. 19 for 4 miles to Porter’s Road, turn right and go east 1 mile to the Simpson property on the right.
PRE-AUCTION VIEWING : Wednesday – February 14, 2024 from 2 PM to 4 PM at the property locationWheeler Auctions Representatives will be available to answer your questions.
Montgomery County Real Estate Info.
79.3 Surveyed acres located in Township 49N, Range 6W, Section 13 of Montgomery County, Missouri to be offered in one tract.
The property has frontage and direct access off Porter’s Road which runs along the north side of the tract. The Montgomery County FSA Office calls for 65.57 tillable acres, the balance is in some narrow- wooded draws, a pond, a building and garden spot. The farm has tiled terraces, waterways and other conservation measures in place. There is rural water and electricity on the property, along with a 16’ x 40’ multi-section building that John has been using for machinery and garden supply storage.
The farm will be sold with a one-year farm tenancy in place, the new buyer will receive the 2024 farm income from the cash rent agreement, based on 64.3 acres tillable at a rental rate of $85.00 per acre, paid in two payments the first payment is due in April and is $2,732.75 and the second payment is payable in December for $2,732.75. The farm tenant is Steve Davis, call him at 314-795-2061 with questions about yield history or farming practices.
This farm has belonged to the Simpson Family for over 60 years and during that time it has never been offered for sale. This is a beautiful piece of property with a high percentage of quality tillable farm land for income, hunting and recreational potential. A great location just north of Montgomery City, MO and has good direct access off the County Road.
The property has been surveyed and the corner markers are all in place and easy to find.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: 10% Down sale day with the balance due and possession given at closing in 30 days or less subject to the 2024 farm tenancy rights. 2024 Property taxes and all those thereafter will be paid by the new buyer. The cost for title commitment, deed work, closing costs and title insurance will be split 50/50 between the Seller and Buyer.
NOTE: The following items will be sold after the real estate auction and their sale will be subject to the real estate selling, as most have been used to maintain the real estate.
1970 Ford 4000 tractor, gas, 3 cyl., P/S, 5 spd. standard trans., hyd. remotes, 16.9 x 30 good tires, 3,439 hours, 2 owners
Servis 7’ swivel blade, 3 pt.
King Kutter reversible tri-type 3 pt. dirt scoop
1 – Dirt scoop, 3 pt.
Howse 7’ 3 pt. 540 PTO rotary cutter
Boom, 3 pt.
Two prong, 3 pt. big bale mover’
Troy Bilt Econo Horse rear tine garden tiller, 5 hp Honda gas motor, no reverse
Troy Bilt Pony rear tine tiller, 5 hp gas motor, electric, reverse
Mantis garden tiller
A lot of log chains
Handy man jack
Receiver hitch
Aluminum across the bed tool box
John P. & Winona M. (Tudie) Simpson
Charlie Nordwald 636-795-4552
Please visit the auctioneers website for more photos and full Terms and Conditions.
Questions about this auction? Phone 660.327.5890 or 660.327.1806 or email our office at